Virtual Orchestrion

At its core, the Virtual Orchestrion is designed to bring the intricate sounds and music of classic orchestrions to those without access to our physical instruments. But that’s not all. It also acts as a versatile player for our range of instruments. Seamlessly connect it with our offerings or other devices like QRS pianos.

The Virtual Orchestrion

From Screen to Symphony

Access to orchestrion music has been limited due to the high cost and size of the instruments. The Virtual Orchestrion player changes this by offering a digital solution. It’s easy to use and available to anyone with an internet connection. Users don’t need to own or maintain a physical instrument or travel to a specific location. Just click and enjoy a variety of orchestrion music. This tool breaks down economic and geographical barriers, making this unique musical experience widely accessible.

Interactive VisualizationFeatures

High-resolution visualizations with accurately rendered book views, alongside animated orchestrions

Extensive Music LibraryFeatures

Shop with a vast selection of songs from arrangers around the world. Songs are tailored for the software and instruments. 

Dedicated PlayerFeatures

Specifically designed to function as a player for our range of instruments and orchestrions

VSTi & DXi SupportFeatures

Dive into a richer soundscape with the dual hosting capabilities of 8 VSTi and 8 DXi instruments.

Virtual Orchestrion

Our music shop not only provides a variety of orchestrion music but ensures each piece is specially formatted to utilize all features of the Virtual Orchestrion player. Arrangers from around the globe can upload and sell their compositions with confidence, as each is protected and secure. Enthusiasts can easily browse, purchase, and enjoy these musical pieces. Every arrangement is also compatible with real instruments when connected, offering a versatile listening experience. This platform simplifies the process of accessing, buying, and enjoying orchestrion music while ensuring artists are fairly compensated and their copy-protected work is available to all customers around the world.

Live Integration

The Virtual Orchestrion player is designed to easily connect with other MIDI instruments, including our own range and others like QRS pianos. Users can integrate these instruments seamlessly, expanding their musical experience. The player acts as a bridge, enabling MIDI instruments to communicate and operate in harmony. This feature allows users to enjoy a blend of digital and acoustic sounds effortlessly. Plug and play!

Soon Available

Stay Tuned

Arrangers community

We’re expanding the library of music available for orchestrions and we need your help. If you’re an arranger, this is an opportunity to have your compositions reach a wider audience. Simply sign up, and upload your music, and it will be available for purchase by orchestrion enthusiasts worldwide. For each sale, you will receive fair compensation. We’re dedicated to making the process easy and profitable for arrangers. To join, fill out our contact form and become a part of our growing community. Let’s work together to bring more music to the world of orchestrions.

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