Stephan Eicher Und Die Automaten

Stephan Eicher is truly an exceptional artist. Writing his own music an lyrics, carving his arrangements out of the mountain of instruments and sound sources available today is just chapter one. As the great performer and multi-instrumentalist he is, his songs are brought to live on stage where his warm enchanting voice accompanied by his guitar and piano performance mesmerizes the listeners in the sold-out venues from Geneva to Paris.
In his never ending search of sounds and instrumentation, we at Orchestrionix still remember the day when Stephan found us and decided to make our instruments a part of his dreams and vision. It never ceases to amaze me what a creative mind fueled by a relentless drive to make his dream come true accomplishes. Magic!



Eicher's Emotional Nuance

Stephan Eicher crafts music that treads delicate paths, evoking emotions ranging from loss and lurking threats to doubts and storms. Yet, he veers away from simplistic dichotomies. His songs are emotion that can not be cramped into a square box. It needs room, air to breath. Stephan’s talent to translate the sounds he imagined in his mind into the sonic content the listener can capture is yet another sign of his genius. So on/off sounds will not do, and this is where Orchestrionix makes a difference. The live acoustic instruments can be tailored to follow wherever Stephan’s emotions lead. What an amazing trip to see all these Orchestrionix systems come to life on Stephan’s stage…

"Und Die Automaten" The Mesmeric Fusion

Stephan Eicher’s vision for “Und Die Automaten” sought to merge musical artistry with the precision of automation, and Orchestrionix was at the heart of this ambition. Drawing inspiration from the rich heritage of automatic music instruments depicted in the “Sound of Belgium”, Stephan collaborated closely with Orchestrionix. Together, they crafted a unique sonic experience, with Orchestrionix fine-tuning and synchronizing their instruments to align seamlessly with Stephan’s diverse repertoire. The result was a show that transcended traditional boundaries, as Stephan’s profound melodies harmonized perfectly with the mechanical orchestra, showcasing the brilliance of what’s possible when age-old musicality meets cutting-edge technology.

The "Ode" Collaboration

In his latest venture, the album “Ode”, Stephan Eicher once again teams up with Orchestrionix. Once again they seamlessly blend his evocative songwriting with the intricacies of automated instrumentation, ushering audiences into a new dimension of musical storytelling.

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